
Environmental Spagless Cast Shop

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Environmental Spagless Cast Shop
The temperature of the air coupled to the relative humidity and the speed of the air form the essential parameters to get a good control of the ceramic process, together with an Homogeneous distribution of them.

In one only casting process two fundamental aspects must be simultaneously considered:
  • the evaporation of pieces and moulds and the comfort of the operators.

The mix of temperature – relative humidity and speed of the air allows to adjust the system up to get the right settlement between the two opposite aspects.
Furthermore, it is also possible to make easy the external evaporation or the internal capillary circulation through the thermo‐dynamicity of this micro climate and through the regulation night/day. 

 Our conditioning system is suitable for any casting process: 
-       plaster mono or multi casting 
-       resin under high pressure
-       spagless system
-       vacuum or radio‐frequencies

The system, thanks to particular regulations, is suitable to run in very hard climatic conditions, from ‐40°C to +47°C being equipped, depending on the case, of special features like: pre‐heaters of the external air, anti-freeze elements, free cooling, sand trap in case of sand storming, high pressure atomized water injection systems (fog pump). Some particular solutions can be adopted for case of “Spagless” where the air is kept under the bench (anti FOG).          


  • Spagless system view

    Spagless system view

  • Before Spagless system

    Before Spagless system

  • After Spagless system

    After Spagless system